Stewardship at The Assumption Greek Orthodox Church
But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work, (2 Corinthians 9:6-8).
Stewardship: Light for Today
Stewardship ensures the day-to-day operations of our church continue without interruption. Your support helps cover essential expenses, including salaries, utilities, ministries, and the maintenance that keeps our church vibrant and welcoming. Contributions from trays, candles, festivals, and fundraisers directly support this fund. Without stewardship, we cannot fulfill our spiritual mission.
Iconography: Beautifying Our Spiritual Home
As we approach our 100th anniversary in 2028, we are committed to completing the final phase of our iconography project. This endeavor not only beautifies our sanctuary but also deepens our worship experience by surrounding us with visual expressions of our faith. Your donations to the iconography fund will help us consecrate our church as a beacon of Orthodox faith for future generations
Endowment: Light for Tomorrow
The endowment fund is a legacy of love for the future of our church. Focused on long-term sustainability, this fund is supported primarily by estate gifts and large donations. Its goal is to build a stable principal that generates interest to support major repairs, future development, and unforeseen needs. By contributing to the endowment, you help secure the fiancial health of our parish for the next century and beyond
Dear parishioners and friends
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
Christ is in our midst!
We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support of Assumption Church. Your ongoing financial contributions play a crucial role in sustaining the spiritual and communal life of our parish. We are truly blessed to have such a dedicated and generous community.
To make your stewardship contributions and donations more convenient, we have provided a secure Faith Direct link. Through this platform, you can effortlessly fulfill your pledges, make specific or general donations, and actively contribute to the well-being of our church.
We recognize that your commitment goes beyond monetary support. Your active participation in the liturgical and social life of our church enriches the overall experience for everyone. Together, we create a vibrant and thriving community that glorifies God in all aspects.
May your continued support and involvement bring forth abundant blessings to our parish, fostering spiritual growth and unity among us. Thank you for being an integral part of Assumption Church and for helping us flourish to the glory of God.
Stewardship Card
Please use the provided Stewardship Card registration link to either register for the first time or update an existing pledge.
Ways to Give and Plan for the Future
Your gifts today make a profound di昀erence, but planning for tomorrow ensures that our church remains strong for generations. Consider these options:
• Regular Stewardship Giving: A commitment to stewardship supports our ongoing ministries and operations. For your convenience, you may make stewardship contributions toward your pledge and specific or general donations to our church securely by selecting one of the two links below. You may also use Faith Direct, PayPal, one of your credit cards.
Special Donations to Iconography:
Help complete our iconography project in time for our centennial celebration in 2028.
Legacy Gifts to the Endowment Fund:
Remember Assumption in your estate plans to leave a lasting legacy of faith.
Together, as one parish family, we can ensure that Assumption Greek Orthodox Church remains a light for today and a light for tomorrow. Thank you for your faith, generosity, and commitment.
For more information on how you can support, please contact the Church Office at (586) 779-6111